UC Davis Physics REU Program, Summer 2015
Students' names link to their final papers.
Advisors' names link to the research group web pages.
Biological Physics
Naturally occurring proteins perform such a range of tasks that
biotechnology is now exploring what else natural or designed proteins
might be able to accomplish. Ideas include electronic applications,
including non-toxic batteries, and methods of controlling or guiding
chemical reactions.
Sofia Cruz Tetlalmatzi (UNAM;
adviser Daniel Cox)
searched for new proteins
with a beta-solenoid structure, where one potential application is as
ultrathin insulating layers. Given our still very limited ability to
predict the structure of an unknown protein, she began with a database
of known beta-solenoid proteins. Using data mining techniques, she
compared their amino acid sequences to those of other proteins with
as-yet-unknown folded structures. She found a few examples similar
enough that they might also be beta-solenoids, while at the same time
different enough that they might have noticeable changes in behavior.
Starting from the known structure of the similar protein, she then ran
simulations and found that two of her proteins were likely to have stable
beta-solenoid structures. Finally, she generated these two proteins in
a laboratory, proving that they can be worked with experimentally.
Further research will explore their potential for applications.
Complex Systems
David Gier (University of
Kansas; adviser Jim
Crutchfield) looked at what information patterns generated
with a degree of randomness can give about the process that created
them. He calculated entropy and entanglement for classical processes and
their quantum analogs and found that in some sense the quantum version
is more efficient in storing information.
Condensed Matter Experiment
The dispersion relation, or energy as a function of momentum, is linear
for photons but quadratic for free electrons. Electrons in a crystal
are another story. They move in a potential created by huge numbers of
other electrons as well as the lattice of atoms and positive ions. These
complicated interactions can give rise to collective effects such as
superconductivity and magnetism. In certain materials, they can also lead
to a linear dispersion relation for electrons, which by analogy to photons
is sometimes described as electrons behaving as massless particles.
Amelia Estry (Florida State University;
adviser Nick Curro)
studied such a material, the Dirac semimetal Na3Bi. She measured nuclear
magnetic resonance (NMR) in the samples to explore the microscopic
distribution of magnet ic fields. Since NMR is a bulk measurement, she was
able to identify the several-da y time scale on which oxidation spreads
throughout the sample. (A surface-sensitiv e measurement would find much
faster sample degradation.) She also made a tentativ e identification
of which peaks in her spectrum corresponded to which atomic sites in
the crystal, a first step towards complete interpretation of NMR data.
Granular materials, such as sand, exhibit behaviors similar to solids, liquids,
or gases, depending on the exact circumstances. Natasha Flowers (Carleton College;
adviser Rena Zieve)
revised image analysis code used in studying an artificial two-dimensional
"sandpile" of ball bearings. The ball bearings are welded together into
grains of different shape. The software challenge is to identify each
grain type and location from digital camera images. Natasha made several
corrections to both a heuristic algorithm and a neural network setup,
so that the software now finds the vast majority of shapes correctly.
Atoms deposited on the surface of another material may spread evenly, or form
islands of different shapes and sizes. Jimmy Miller (Rose-Hulman Institute of
Technology; adviser Shirley
Chiang) studied gold atoms on a germanium surface. He
found that island shape can be controlled by temperature. The islands
grow preferentially in a particular direction as temperature increases,
becoming highly elongated. The shape change is reversible, with the
islands becoming circular again once the temperature is lowered. At even
higher temperatures, the islands began to move freely and combine into
ever-larger gold regions. Understanding and gaining better control of
these processes may eventually lead to applications as nanodevices.
May Palace (Salisbury University;
adviser Rena Zieve)
looked at oscillations along a single quantized vortex in superfluid
helium. The vortex is suspended between the wall of a fluid-filled
container and a wire used for the measurements. The goal was to move
the wire abruptly, which would shake one end of the vortex and thereby
excite waves along its length. Any motion of the end of the vortex along
the wire could then be detected through its effect on the vibration of the
wire. Surprisingly, significant vortex motion appeared even without
deliberate excitation. May found that the source was tiny variations,
less than one milliKelvin, in the temperature of the refrigerator used
to cool the helium. This points to the possibility of using deliberate
temperature changes to drive the vortex oscillations; the group's future
work will explore this.
Vanadium dioxide has a metal-insulator transition at the very moderate
temperature of 68 degrees Celsius. The very rapid change in resistance has
potential applications, particularly in electronics. Clark Travaglini
(Bard College; adviser Dong
Yu) grew vanadium dioxide nanowires using chemical vapor
deposition. The oxygen concentration during the growth proved to be
a key influence on the nanowires; by varying it, Clark could change
the dopant concentration and even switch the nanowires from the n-type
materials grown by most other groups to p-type. After characterizing
the nanowires through current-voltage curves and photocurrent microscopy,
he suggested possible routes to improved performance.
Condensed Matter Theory
In two or three dimensions, it is impossible for an arrangement
with translational symmetry also to have five-fold rotational
symmetry. However, a high degree of local order is possible even without
the long-range order required for translational symmetry. Quasicrystals
(below left)
are examples of such partially ordered structures with five-fold symmetry.
Nicole Hartman (Southern Methodist
University; adviser Richard
Scalettar) looked at magnetic properties of such a
system. Conduction electrons in any metal contribute to competing
effects. They can screen local moments on atomic sites by combining with
the local moment to form a singlet state. Alternatively, they can mediate
interactions between local moments that can produce magnetic order. The
competition between screening and order leads to complicated behavior
in a variety of materials. As the interaction strength changes, there
is often a transition from significantly screened, disordered moments
to unscreened, ordered moments. Nicole found a transition to magnetic
order which appears similar to that of a square lattice, despite the
fact that in the quasicrystal the number of nearest neighbors varies
from site to site.
Entanglement entropy is that portion of entropy due to
quantum entanglement of a multiparticle wave function. Nicholas Sherman (Solano Community College;
adviser Rajiv Singh)
partitioned several one- and two-dimensional spin systems into two
pieces, and calculated the negativity, a particular measure of quantum
entanglement. He confirmed the expected "area law," that the negativity
scales as the size of the boundary between the two parts. His calculations
further supported the idea of negativity as a quantum measure. It
showed no feature at classical, finite-temperature transitions, and
indeed decreased monotonically with increasing temperature. However,
the two-dimensional system has a "quantum" phase transition at zero
temperature, where the ground state changes from non-magnetic to
magnetically ordered as a function of the interaction strength between
neighboring spins. The negativity for the two-dimensional system peaked
just at the interaction strength that causes the transition.
Lachlan Lancaster (Carnegie
Mellon University; adviser Lloyd
Knox) calculated how possible neutrino (CMB) interactions
could appear in measurements of cosmic microwave background radiation. The
confirmation that neutrinos can "oscillate," or transform among electron,
muon, and taon neutrinos, means that neutrinos must have mass. In turn,
having mass changes the possibilities for how neutrinos interact with
other known particles. Lachlan posited the existence of a new particle
which could give rise to the neutrino mass, parallel to how the Higgs
boson leads to other massive particles. He explored consequences of
such a particle, such as increased interactions of neutrinos. Altered
interactions in the early universe would affect the observed CMB
signals, which Lachlan used to set limits on how such a new particle
could work.
Cosmic microwave background radiation has been an amazing success
story for precision measurement, and for give and take between theory
and experiment. Although its existence was first predicted in 1948, its
detection in 1964 was accidental; Penzias and Wilson had not expected the
apparently uniform background noise they observed. Subsequent calculations
showed that cosmology, the behavior of the early universe, should leave
its mark as slight anisotropy in the microwave background. Experiments
detected this anisotropy, which has now been studied in great detail. The
figure below, from the European Space Agency and the Planck Collaboration
(http://sci.esa.int/planck/51555-planck-power-spectrum-of-temperature-fluctuations-in-the-cosmic-microwave-background/), shows both
measured data (red points; note that for small angles the error bars
become too small to see) and a fit to the standard model of cosmology
(green). Only at very wide angles is there much room for improvement.
Brigid Mulroe (Fordham University;
adviser Lloyd Knox)
worked on a comparison between the temperature fluctuation spectrum
shown and the polarization spectrum. They should, in principle, be out
of phase, with peaks in one spectrum matching troughs in the other.
However, measurements find that they are not perfectly out of phase,
and the discrepancy is more complicated than a single overall phase
shift. Brigid calculated how two possible mechanisms would shift the
spectra. Both effects seem present, although they do not entirely explain
the data.
Nuclear Experiment
A key ingredient of collider experiments is calculating accurately
exactly what observations are expected for a given model of particle
interactions. Only then can unusual patterns be identified and assessed.
Danny Dilone (CUNY Brooklyn College;
adviser Manuel Calderon
de la Barca Sanchez) worked on a new version of the event
generation software, PYTHIA 8. He looked at production of charmonium
as observed by the ALICE detector at CERN's Large Hadron Collider, and
also upsilon measurements in the CMS detector at the same collider. In
the latter case the calculations agreed quite well with the experimental
observations, but for charmonium there were discrepancies, espe cially
for collisions involving large numbers of nucleons. PYTHIA 8 gave
better agreement than the older PYTHIA 6.4, but there remains room for
improvement of the event modelling software.
Particle Experiment
The Large Underground Xenon (LUX) experiment aims to detect dark matter
through its interactions with xenon nuclei. Despite its location deep
in a mine and surrounded by tons of water, the LUX detector observes
many background events, largely from the decay of trace radioactive
impurities in the detector materials. Detecting dark matter requires
a thorough understanding of the background and also, if possible,
a way to distinguish dark matter candidate events from background
events. Fortunately, most of the background arises through electromagnetic
interactions, while dark matter would interact gravitationally. The two
produce, on average, different ratios of detected electrons to detected
photons. Rose Baunach (Whitman
College; adviser Mani
Tripathi) worked on a second method of separating the two,
by analyzing the arrival time of the photons. Gravitational events cause
an early burst of photons, with the rate quickly dropping. Electromagnetic
events have a more even distribution of arrival times. Rose improved the
identification of the photon arrival times, particularly for the difficult
case when two photons reach the same part of the detector almost together.
Combining the arrival time method with the charge/light ratio allows a
two-dimensional characterization that vastly reduces the overlap region
between electromagnetic and gravitational events.
Ethan Jahn (Indiana University of
Pennsylvania; adviser Mani
Tripathi) did early work towards making the upcoming dark
matter experiment LZ more sensitive than its predecessor LUX. Both
experiments aim to observe gravitational interact ions between dark
matter particles and xenon nuclei. To combat the low interaction
cross-section, the experiment uses 7 tons of liquid xenon. This in
turn raises issues of how well the detectors at the edges of the very
large container can respond to distant events and distinguish them from
unwanted background. One background source, decay of polonium, yields an
alpha particle. Ethan tested PIN diodes, which consist of an insulating
layer separating p-type and n-type semiconductors, as one option
for detecting the alpha and thereby tagging the event as background.
The left image below shows the inside of the test setup.
The eventual operating temperature will be 165 K, the boiling point of
liquid xenon. Ethan found some degradation of performance as the diodes
were cooled into this temperature range. The trouble may have come from
condensation of water vapor, which will be tested with a more elaborate
cooling setup.
Ben Kimelman (Muhlenberg College;
adviser Bob Svoboda)
worked on technical details for the ANNIE experiment, which
will eventually do the detailed measurements of neutron-neutrino
interactions needed to understand background levels in other particle
physics experiments. He did careful testing of new photomultiplier tubes
(PMTs). Although PMTs have been standard equipment for decades, for the
level of precision required in particle physics any new version must
be characterized afresh. Ben did noise measurements by placing the PMT
in a dark room (above right, partly opened) and also measured the effects of magnetic fields. Ben
also participated in a separate effort, travelling to Fermilab for the
physical installation of one of the major components of ANNIE.