This REU program was funded through NSF PHY-1263201. |
UC Davis
REU Program, Summer 2014
Sixteen students (8 women, 8 men) participated in the UC Davis Physics REU in summer 2014. Two Mexican physics students from a separate campus-wide summer research program also attended the weekly REU meetings and went on the field trips. ![]() Research Projects (more details)Projects were in Condensed Matter Physics, Biological Physics, Nuclear Physics, High Energy Experiment, General Relativity, and Cosmology.Field Trips (more details)![]() Other ActivitiesWeekly lunch meetings included both practice for the GRE physics exam and brief, very informal presentations by the REU students. One meeting towards the end of the summer was devoted to information about graduate school and the admissions process, led by a longtime member of our graduate admissions committee.At the end of the program, each student gave a 15-minute research presentation and prepared a final write-up of the project. The talks were spread over two days to help the listeners stay focused. ![]()
HousingZuni the cat and most of the REU students again shared the Davis Student Co-operative (DSC), on campus about half a mile from the physics building. One student with an off-campus apartment also cooked and had weekday dinners at DSC.
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