Unrelated Reading

These articles are absolutely not required for the course. You may want to look one up if you have an hour to kill and want some fun physics reading. Although a few articles relate to electricity and magnetism, the list is heavily biased towards my own interests in condensed matter physics. If you do read any, I'd love to hear your opinions about them.

From Scientific American:

``The 3He Superfluids," by O. Lounasmaa and G. Pickett, June 1990, page 104.

``Superfluid Turbulence," by R. Donnelly, November 1988, page 100.

``Quantum Dots," by M. Reed, January 1993, page 118.

From Physics Today (usually a bit harder than Scientific American):

``The Discovery of Superconductivity," by J. Denobel and P. Lindenfeld, Volume 49 Number 9, page 40 (1996). This one is short, primarily history rather than science, and very readable.

``Superconducting Magnets above 20 Tesla,'' by S. van Sciver and K. Marken, Volume 55 Number 8, page 37 (2002).

``Electrosensory Organisms," by J. Bastian, Volume 47 Number 2, page 30 (1994).

``The Physics of Granular Materials," by H. Jaeger, S. Nagel, and R. Behringer, Volume 49 Number 4, page 32 (1996).